25-30 something Palomino Quarterpony mare

Arrived 11-24-15

Passed away 9-21-17


The rescue of Glory is a collaborative effort. HiCaliber Horse Rescue went to the Ontario Auction, and saw Glory standing alone, with a huge saddle on her back, being bid on by a Kill Buyer.  They stepped up and bid successfully, taking Glory home with them.  But her age, and some lameness issues mean placing her as anything but a pasture puff is unlikely, so home to TGC she came a week later.

She has a ginormous crack in her left hind, all the way up to the coronet band, which probably explains some of her lameness; an old bow on the right front, all of her hoofs unbalanced, evidencing long term really bad hoof care.  I have a call in to Dr. Zadick to see what else he can tell me about her.  


She's kind, and calm,  and while wary the first time I approached her, she allowed me to catch her and she then discovered the Glory of cookies.  So now I'm the cookie lady, and I see a different face ...


Two HiCaliber supporters have stepped up to partly sponsor her on a monthly basis, and since she's a little girl, I'd say we need $100 more of support - can any of you provide monthly sponsorship?  Other HiCaliber supporters provided enough extra donations to cover her for the first month, but we need more help to get her healthy and keep her that way.