(Soinouye - JC tat T11104)
OTTB/ex-Hi Goal Polo Pony Mare
Foaled 1990
Deceased 5/24/17
Jules is a beautiful mare with enough arthritis in her right fore to cause some tripping, and so the polo lesson program she was in could not employ her any longer. This mare has a tattoo, but apparently never raced, and then did do some high level polo. She was ridden by a lady (who may become a part sponsor for her) briefly in lower level polo, and then ended up in the lesson barn. So, she had at least two jobs that earned a living for humans, but it's a private party who learned on her who is offering some support for her in retirement. She could use some more help!
At any rate, she's a nice mare. A little vision impairment, but not too bad; a little arthritis. She immediately made friends with Daisy. With Rebel, who came in with her, she has her own little herd now, and seems to be settling in.
Thank you Missy Hotchkin for stepping up to part-sponsor this lovely mare's retirement! Because Jules needs occasional pain meds and supplementation for her arthritis, more sponsorship would be greatly appreciated! Can you help us help Jules?