Ok, what is Sponsorship at the Golden Carrot? In one word - COMMITTMENT! Any amount of money, even $10 a month, will sponsor a horse. You can pay that amount every month, every three months, every six months, or once a year. You make a promise to provide that amount, on that time schedule - and I trust you to keep that promise.
A full sponsorship is $180 a month. This amount feeds the average horse. Some are smaller; some are older; some are very large. So it varies. And this amount does not cover farrier expense every other month; or vet visits; or worming; pain medications; supplements; replacement flymasks. So even a horse that is fully sponsored can use more help in many cases.
You choose the amount - the time schedule - the horse; let me know. And voila! You are a sponsor on our receipt of the first sponsorship donation! I do my best to keep you up to date on your sponsoree and we happily acknowledge your help on your sponsoree's page!
I hope you can find it in your heart to help these deserving souls. The Golden Carrot is a sanctuary, meaning we do not adopt these horses out. This is because between age, and infirmity, and disability, they really can't work the way people want horses to work. Rather than risk them facing an uncertain future, with owners who may not understand how to properly care for them and respect their limitations, we try to provide a few golden years for them here. Because of that, we don't get adoption fees to defray expenses; and sometimes horses live here for years. It's almost like getting punished for taking good care of them, when people see the pictures of them living happily, and feel they don't need to help! No matter how old they are, or what level of disability they deal with each day, horses need to EAT! Please consider giving up that twice weekly latte (full of calories! makes you hyper!) to donate a few dollars to one of these deserving horses. And please accept my personal and heartfelt thanks for it!